
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tea at Yumchaa

Another Saturday spent caressing many a cup of coffee - and also this time, tea. This weekend we dropped into Yumchaa teahouse on Parkway Street in Camden where they sell a wide variety of loose-leaf teas as well as cakes and sandwiches. We had the Raspberry Vanilla flavour - a rooibos tea combined with vanilla bods, dried raspberries and rose petals. It was gently sweet and aromatic, with a wonderfully flowery scent that lifted with the steam from our cups and swirled with our delight as we dug into a very good, and very moist slice of banana and nutella bread - one unexpectedly perfect combination.

Apparently, this was the blend of tea that got Yumchaa started.. You can buy it online on the Yumchaa website, where they've described it as tasting like "the finishing touch", recommending it for drinking when "your world feels near perfect".

Friday 27 January 2012

Friends, Life, Unexpected.

I have made a new little group of friends on my CELTA teacher training course at International House, London. To name a few; Maria, Silvia, Ilaria, Diego, Antonio, Nuria. They are from Spain and Italy and are relatively new to London.

Last weekend I met up with them all in Notting Hill - they had never been to Portobello Road market before and were eager to see what all the fuss was about! Camera slung around my neck like a true London 'newbie' myself and ready to share the sites, I met them all in a cafe near the station.

An hour later, we were still at that cafe, swilling the remains of the cappuccinos we intended to finish, the conversation flowing like we had no plans in the first place. The rest of the day was spent cafe-hopping, with a break in between to stop at a mexican restaurant for a proper lunch - with wine instead of espresso. Ten hours went by - chatting, laughing, as if we'd all known each other for years.

The other night Maria and I went to dinner where, due to a miscommunication during conversation and some photographic evidence, I concluded that she owned a life-sized poster of the Jonas Brothers (I did my very best to swallow my shock and horror).

When the truth came out that in fact the Jonas poster was not hers - and when she realised what my secret internal reaction had been - we laughed so hard no sound came out, our stomachs cramped and our mascara ran for a good five minutes straight.

In the midst of this delirious moment, it hit me - I never thought I would be doing a teaching course, and I never dreamed I'd be moving to Cambodia! So unexpected has my life been recently... I could not have foreseen meeting these new-found friends along the way. But am I grateful.

To whomever else I am destined to befriend on life's journeys-unplanned, I do look forward to meeting you, our endless cups of coffee and our own fits of silent laughter.

One of our pit stops was the Kitchen and Pantry - VERY busy on a Saturday but if you're lucky enough to get a table as we were, great food and coffee. Kitchen and Pantry, 14 Elgin Crescent, London, W11 2HX, Tel: 0207 727 8888.

Monday 2 January 2012

Blowing in the wind...

I found these when visiting an island on our Greek sailing trip... I have no idea what they were for but I presume some kind of decoration for an event, as they were hung just in front of a party venue. I took photos because I thought they looked beautiful, billowing in the wind.

Streets, Greece